Based in Brisbane, Australia,
laundry echo is an australian music blog by dave mccarthy.

A Delayed Review of Worldsick

A Delayed Review of Worldsick

Every corner of Australia's music scene is flooded with quality. Even when you try your darnedest to be one of the country's biggest music nerds, sometimes a release that's a couple of months old jumps up out of nowhere and slaps you right in the face. Melbourne based sadgaze emo band World Sick did just that to me tonight with their debut EP Delayed. It's incredible. 

Delayed is composed of four tracks that draw you thin, pull you close and cast you off; leaving you all encompassingly enchanted and wanting more. Spacious yet controlled in every beat, World Sick play music that sits somewhere between ballad and breakdown; an uncompromising wall of sound that is equal parts warm and blue. 

There are distinct Australian notes nestled throughout the music. The dry droll of a thick Australian accent is barely hidden underneath guitars that spew forward american pop punk sensibilities clashing against daunting long drawn damagingly potent chords. 

All this sets a musical platform from which a lyrical arrow is drawn and shot inwards. With World Sick's vocalist bleeding open lyrics of self critique, concern and question.

It's sad, it's loud, it's very impressive and I can't wait to hear a whole lot more of it. 

Follow World Sick right here.  


Quinton Trembath's Open Hearted Souvenirs

Quinton Trembath's Open Hearted Souvenirs

Yeah The Buoys!

Yeah The Buoys!